Starting Points
- The Norwegian resources pages in the RDMkit provide a general overview of institutional and funder policies on research data and the available data management resources in Norway.
- The RDMkit page for human pathogen genomics provides general guidelines tailored to the needs of pathogen genomics data management.
- Norwegian Life Science RDM LookUp is a resource that acts like a waypost to help you to find data standards, tools, support services and policies relevant to your life sciences research domain.
- The Infectious Disease Tool Kit (IDTK) provides a very good overview and general discussion of infectious disease research in Norway and provides information on relevant health authorities and initiatives.
- Need a Data Management Plan (DMP)? These plans are often a requirement from funders. ELIXIR-Norway provides the Norwegian Data Stewardship Wizard instance—an intuitive tool to help you navigate recommendations and RDM resources to create DMPs. This tool, which is highly recommended by both the Norwegian and European Research Councils includes questionnaires tailored to meet requirements from both Norwegian and European funding agencies. The process involves providing information about the data that will be generated in your research project through guided questions. The smart questionnaires will ask relevant questions, offering hints, multimedia contents, external resources, and community help. These questionnaires feature selectable answers that minimize the need for free-text responses. Logging in is easy via email or FEIDE. There are also multiple export options available.
Data Sensitivity and Security:
- Guidance on handling sensitive data is available through the RDMKit pages for Data Sensitivity and Data Protection.
- The FAIR Cookbook contains specific recipes for managing sensitive data use conditions.
Task-Specific Instructions
- The FAIR Cookbook offers step-by-step instructions for applying FAIR principles in practical, task-oriented ways.
- To find Metadata Standards and suitable Repositories you can browse relevant standards at FAIRsharing to ensure interoperability and reusability of data.

Training and Tools:
- The Training eSupport System (TeSS) is a website where you can find training materials, learning events and courses on RDM.
- Bio.Tools provides a comprehensive catalogue of educational resources and bioinformatics tools tailored to pathogen genomics.
- For bioinformaticians it might be worth checking out the Microgalaxy Community and the tools available in the MicroGalaxy instance, and how you can Use Galaxy and Managing your Data.

Suggestion on how to use these tools:
To start off, we recommend you to begin from reading the Data Management Plan (DMP) page on RDMkit as it helps to get an overview about what entails a DMP. From RDMkit, you can choose a tool such as Data Stewardship Wizard (DSW) to create a DMP. The DSW is a questionnaire style tool for creating, updating and sharing your DMP with inbuilt guidance. The DSW will direct you to RDMkit’s specific guidelines, should you need them when answering questions. Also, the DSW has links to FAIRsharing to help you choose among repositories, standards and policies to adopt for your project From RDMkit, you can navigate to TeSS to discover DMP-related training materials and events.